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Feeling dreadful

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Posted by: Amy W Posts: 1 - Joined: Mon Nov 13th, 2023 10:05 pm

#1371 - by Amy W >> Mon Nov 13th, 2023 10:50 pm

Hi, I’m sorry to hear about the loss of Tiddles. I also have anxiety and my cat was my rock. Firstly, every emotion you’re feeling is completely valid, and I want to reassure you that all of us who have lost pets have felt the guilt you’ve described about taking your Tiddles to the vets. Remember you did the best thing for him, he lived a long life and the vet sadly gave a poor prognosis. I think it’s incredibly brave of owners who put their animals needs before their own. You knew he was going to deteriorate, and you decided to give him a comfortable end and not letting him suffer. It sounds like he had a good, normal start to his day by going outside and eating grass. You say he was alert so knows that you were with him for his final moments - he wasn’t unconscious, in pain, or struggling to breathe. You’ve saved him from suffering, you absolutely did not kill him. Brains like to play awful tricks on us like this. When you have these negative thoughts, it might be helpful to look at old photos of him when he was healthy, and remind yourself of all the happy memories and love that you shared over the years. And keep telling yourself you’ve saved him from suffering. When I have negative thoughts, I say out loud “stop it” and try and distract myself otherwise I go into a bit of a thought spiral. I hope you feel reassured that what you’re feeling is totally normal, it’s a horrible thought to have but from what I’ve read your Tiddles is loved and you saved him from suffering by giving him a peaceful end.

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