
In this section, you will find an honour roll for all of our beloved companions listed in alphabetical order by the first name. Please click on the letters to see the memorials that have already been added.

Animal friends will be remembered on our Today We Remember page on the anniversary of their death.

Animal friends that passed away within the last 3 years will also be remembered on our Facebook page. Please note that only memorials with a photo included and the date of death recorded can be shared on Facebook.

29/05/05 - 12/04/12
Human family: Nicola Slator
Photo(s) of Storm (1)


Storm 29.05.2005 " 12.04.2012

I look up to the night skies
And I see your green sparkling eyes
Winking and twinkling and shining so bright.

I’ll miss you most in bed by my side
Your fur in my face and your purr vibrating loud
In the crook of my arm and beside my face
You slept all night in my embrace
I’ll miss you most when I’m lying asleep
The dribbles from your purr running down my cheek
I’ll miss you most turning over in bed
When one of us turned, the other did too
I’ll miss you most when I’m sound asleep on my own
You’d leap on the bed and prod my eyes with your paws
Till I’d turn over and cuddle you close
I’ll miss you most when you’re kneading my neck
My face, my ears, my chest, my back
I’ll miss you most with my bedside water
I won’t now wake to the sound of your lapping
I’ll miss you most when foster kitties lodged
Mr Count Dracula - you were a frightening force
Who’s now going to teach them about grumpy cats?
I’ll miss you most on a warm sunny day
In the open boot of my car there you would lay
I’ll miss you most when we sunbathed on the lawn
Holding mitts, we would lie there for hours
I’ll miss you most with the wildlife extremes
Through the cat flap you brought in mice, birds, pigeons,
Frogs, toads and even squirrel supreme
I’ll never forget you decimated the rats
You proudly brought home your bedraggled kills
More triumphantly for you the live rats too came in the house
The screeching rats that attacked you back were totally terrifying
A total of seventeen dead and alive rats in two weeks - impressive
I’ll miss you most when the oven was on
And the bottle of wine open too
This was your cue, you girded your loins
You jumped on the table and meowed for your prawns
But you weren’t fooled by any brand
Connoisseur Storm you knew your stuff
Anything less than Waitrose was not good enough
I’ll miss you most when your prawns were cooking
You knew exactly when to tell me the second they were ready
I’ll always remember the twelve skewered prawns prepared for the oven
That magically jumped to the floor in the tray
That magically disappeared into your tum
On more than one occasion
I’ll miss you most when you’re just not there at all
To hug me, hold me and be there for me when I fall
I’ll miss you most when I need a hug
You were always there my darling love

Prawny Storm
I’ll love you always
I always will
Forever and ever
I’ll love you still.

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