
In this section, you will find an honour roll for all of our beloved companions listed in alphabetical order by the first name. Please click on the letters to see the memorials that have already been added.

Animal friends will be remembered on our Today We Remember page on the anniversary of their death.

Animal friends that passed away within the last 3 years will also be remembered on our Facebook page. Please note that only memorials with a photo included and the date of death recorded can be shared on Facebook.

01/01/99 - 16/02/18
Human family: Deborah J and Thomas M
Photo(s) of Mr SweetiePie (1)

Mr SweetiePie

I was going to start this memorial by saying good-bye to you Mr. Sweetie Pie but I cant do that, I know I can never say those words out loud . Tears are running down my face as I look at your beautiful face once again ,for 19 years you were my constant companion. You awakened me in the morning for your breakfast by meowing at the door once you realized I was awake. When I had a day off from work we snuggled every moment we could at home.When i did work you greeted me by sitting in the hall waiting for me ,waiting for a pet or two ,waited for me to say Hi to you, my sweet PIE_PIE and then maybe going outside for a bit till we finally snuggled up on the sofa for the night .Every meal you had to have a bite of what I ate , even though you almost never ate it. It was our ritual ,our mutual admiration society of two ,JUST YOU AND ME. I made the patio safe for you so you could watch the birds and bunnies outside.We have a feeder for the birds and a feeding station for the rabbits. You loved the huge plants I bought so you could sleep by them in the sun under your favorite table (which I still keep looking for you!). When you did go outside the fence it was under my vigilant watch ,you just wanted to have a outside sniffing period and to roll in the dirt with some catnip I grew for you. I crocheted you a 3 puff pillow that you loved to rest your head on. I miss your love and affection so very much. You had a very long life but it is no consolation now that you aren't by my side anymore. My friends have said how lucky you were to have me as a human partner, but the truth is I am the lucky one, I am so lucky to have had your love! I hope someday I can scoop you up again and give you a hug and a belly rub. (you just barely tolerated my hugs ,grunting a little cat grunt) but you let me do it once in awhile,licking my face afterwards.I know I will always miss you, I feel lonely and disconnected without you. You ended your life on this planet snuggled in my arms , I heard and felt your last breath,and I petted you till the end. I know you knew you were loved and gave boundless love in return. I love you so very much and I have more than a "hole" in my heart , I have a Grand Canyon sized hole in my heart, one that will never be filled .I will miss you till the end of my days. I love you Mr. SweetiePie with all my heart.

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