
In this section, you will find an honour roll for all of our beloved companions listed in alphabetical order by the first name. Please click on the letters to see the memorials that have already been added.

Animal friends will be remembered on our Today We Remember page on the anniversary of their death.

Animal friends that passed away within the last 3 years will also be remembered on our Facebook page. Please note that only memorials with a photo included and the date of death recorded can be shared on Facebook.

04/05/03 - 15/08/20
Human family: Kate Danchin
Photo(s) of Fudge (1)


To my special Fudgie boy, my 'little man' life! Thank you for being you. Thank you for the unconditional love, the cuddles and the fun times we shared over the past seventeen years. Thank you for hanging in there when you were so poorly for so long. You were a real little trooper, 'the man' of the house, loving and giving beyond measure. My sweet gentle boy. I am lost without you and cannot imagine how my life will go on. I miss your deep black fur that was like silk to the touch, your purrs (big motor!) that started the moment you saw me, the way you sniffed at my fingertips and my hair to say hello. I miss you jumping up on to any surface that would bring you closer to me and the way you pushed your head against my hand in love. I miss how you talked to me all the time...we understood one you asked so nicely for a plate of tuna and how you thanked me afterwards whenever you'd finished eating. I miss how you used to roll over and lift your back leg, just like a dog, to have your tummy rubbed and how you would drool with pleasure at my touch. Your soft paws slowly padding on Brucie, the stuffed toy tiger I've had since my 21st birthday which became your comforter, have made him threadbare and now he sits there all alone. Toffee, your brother, is lost without you. I see a sadness in him that I've never seen before and we try to comfort one another through our pain. One day, I will focus on the happy memories we shared, because there were so many, but today I feel broken, lost. You were my world for so long - the best of everything I have ever known. You were so special, Fudgie. Rest in peace my little man. I will love you and miss you forever xOxOx

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